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Description of RYG // BEGIN TRANSMISSION //*You can talk master…*Velcome! Velcome Space Crusader!If you’re here it means you’re up for a challenge, yes?No one has ever reached end of road of stars since it vas built more zhan 200 years ago. Legends say not even its creators have ever managed to finish it. Vhat vill vait for you at end? Fame & glory? Quadrillions of federal credits? Zexy blue skinned danzers or manly muscled entertainers? Maybe crates of vintage, smoked elium rum!*Or maybe nothing…*SHUT UP GUSTAV!As I vas saying, one zhing’s for sure, you’ll never find out if you don’t try, yes?…Ha! Ha! Anozher stupid human fallen in trap, Gustav! Ve’re gonna be rich I tell you! Filthy rich!*Ehm, master, the com is still on…*DAMN YOU GUSTAV!// END TRASMISSION //A simple yet tricky game basholi rummyed on reflexes and track memory.Challenge the Road of Stars and find out if you can get farther than you friends.Gain medals and share them with the world.Will u reach the end?RYG is the first game developed by newly born Sad Jester Games, a small indie development team. We don’t aim to conquer Earth or control people’s minds while they’re asleep, our only goal is to develop fun games for others to enjoy and for us to fill our dreams with.We hope you enjoy our first effort and have fun!Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Share your thoughts by commenting and rating the game!m/ SKÅL m/

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